Articles Essential to HVAC Service Technicians  You need to read each of these articles to be most effective AIRFLOW Airflow Basics   What you need to know about airflow, includes the Duct Mythbuster, a must view. Register Engineering Data   Proper airflow through registers and returns, throw, CFM, noise etc. Return Placement     Where to place your return air and why Duct Sizing    Some things you should know about residential duct sizing Fan Static Pressure Calculator  An Excel spreadsheet that will accurately calculate static pressure, round or square duct Why System Performance Measure Works   From the National Comfort Institute Commercial Static Pressure Test Methods   If you do commercial you need to read this The Art of Installing Test Ports    To accurately measure static pressure, temperature, and airflow EVAPORATIVE COOLERS Evaporative Cooling Index  This tells you what the temperature of the air coming from your cooler will be based on the outside temp and humidity. Great to show customers who might complain about efficiency. Evap Checklist   Recommended Evap Cooler Maintenance Check List Evap FAQ   Common problems such as media odor, pad problems, pumps etc., addressed here HVAC EQUIPMENT Rheem Equipment Catalog    Download the complete catalog of all Rheem Products SERVICE + TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDES Plus 4 other great books at least 3 of which every service tech out there should read. These eBooks are FREE from ACHRNEWS and are very informative. Ramp up your knowledge with The Professor’s Service and Trouble Shooting Guides version 1 and version 2,  Ductless Systems, The NATE Edge, Home Performance Contraction and even GeoThermal Systems. These books are a must read for the HVAC Professional. Download now! 90+ Furnace Notes    Condensing Furnace Installation Notes - Very Important - Heater Sizing Sheet   Primarily used for calculating BTU’s necessary for floor and wall furnaces How to Predict Furnace Capacity   Good Information Sizing Humidifiers By the Book   A How To on sizing humidifiers Field Charged Cooling Units    Rules to follow when installing field charged A/C units How To Measure Static Pressure on Commercial Systems    Need to know for commercial systems Super Heat and Sub - Cooling   How to and Why CARBON MONOXIDE: A FACT SHEET  What you need to know. HVAC Checklist    Short form for commercial use Modine Heating Checklist  Check list for keeping the heat on Troubleshoot and solve common CO issues in the field Properly size room air conditioners    Do NOT use to size central air systems.     
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Articles Essential to HVAC Service Technicians  You need to read each of these articles to be most effective AIRFLOW Airflow Basics   What you need to know about airflow, includes the Duct Mythbuster, a must view. Register Engineering Data   Proper airflow through registers and returns, throw, CFM, noise etc. Return Placement     Where to place your return air and why Duct Sizing    Some things you should know about residential duct sizing Fan Static Pressure Calculator  An Excel spreadsheet that will accurately calculate static pressure, round or square duct Why System Performance Measure Works   From the National Comfort Institute Commercial Static Pressure Test Methods   If you do commercial you need to read this The Art of Installing Test Ports    To accurately measure static pressure, temperature, and airflow EVAPORATIVE COOLERS Evaporative Cooling Index  This tells you what the temperature of the air coming from your cooler will be based on the outside temp and humidity. Great to show customers who might complain about efficiency. Evap Checklist   Recommended Evap Cooler Maintenance Check List Evap FAQ   Common problems such as media odor, pad problems, pumps etc., addressed here HVAC EQUIPMENT Rheem Equipment Catalog    Download the complete catalog of all Rheem Products SERVICE + TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDES Plus 4 other great books at least 3 of which every service tech out there should read. These eBooks are FREE from ACHRNEWS and are very informative. Ramp up your knowledge with The Professor’s Service and Trouble Shooting Guides version 1 and version 2,  Ductless Systems, The NATE Edge, Home Performance Contraction and even GeoThermal Systems. These books are a must read for the HVAC Professional. Download now! 90+ Furnace Notes    Condensing Furnace Installation Notes - Very Important - Heater Sizing Sheet   Primarily used for calculating BTU’s necessary for floor and wall furnaces How to Predict Furnace Capacity   Good Information Sizing Humidifiers By the Book   A How To on sizing humidifiers Field Charged Cooling Units    Rules to follow when installing field charged A/C units How To Measure Static Pressure on Commercial Systems    Need to know for commercial systems Super Heat and Sub - Cooling   How to and Why CARBON MONOXIDE: A FACT SHEET  What you need to know. HVAC Checklist    Short form for commercial use Modine Heating Checklist  Check list for keeping the heat on Troubleshoot and solve common CO issues in the field Properly size room air conditioners    Do NOT use to size central air systems.